Trainers for Plant Protection in Organic Farming

Organic farming is more than just production without the use of chemicals, it is the cultivation of foods while incorporating the results of present developments in agricultural science.

Producing organically is undoubtfully different from conventional production methods, as it is practiced on a controlled field while applying pre-specified rules as well as documenting all stages of production. To become successful in the field of organic farming professional knowledge and practical experience are of utmost importance. These skills can be acquired by participating in practical vocational educational trainings.

Intellectual Outputs

Within the TOPPlant project an innovative methodological curriculum, a comprehensive training, annual crop-specific guidelines for four countries will be developed, as well as an interactive e-learning tool which will make the theoretical part of the training available on smart-phones.

By implementing its innovative methodological curriculum and conducting pilot trainings with personnel identified by project partners: NAIK Hungary, BC NAKLO Slovenia, and University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, the need for specialized training in this field will be covered. Furthermore, all the nascent learning material will be made available to ipcenter and biohelp in Austria as well, who will use the material for advising organic farmers and to enrich their vocational training offer.

Sowing Innovation

The innovation of TOPPlant is found in its focus on a methodological approach where trained facilitators help the learning process of organic farmers, and in making the innovative training content available via an e-learning tool that can be accessed by smart-phone.

Additionally, TOPPlant supports the development of cooperative agricultural production in different regions, especially by means of intensive counseling in biological plant protection, production techniques, and quality management.

Understanding and exploring the challenges organic farmers face forms the building block of TOPPlant trainings. In turn, various learning techniques are implemented so that suitable and diverse learning opportunities are presented to the farmers.

Ultimately, TOPPlant contributes to a better and healthier environment, by encouraging sustainable and clean agriculture.

co-funded erasmus+

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project Reference: 2020-1-AT01-KA202-078107
EU Grant: 216.608 EUR
Implementation Period: 01.11.2020 – 31.10.2022

Erasmus+ Project Card

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